Tuesday, 12 July 2011

First Inspirations and Attempts

An examination of the nature of structure... When I first got the task, it seemed like there were a billion possibilities, so I decided to choose a starting point of approach - should I try experimenting with different materials? Should I base it on something in nature? Should I base it on a pattern and use that to create the structure? Since I had just moved here from Australia, I thought maybe I should make it something related to New Zealand so I at first considered something related to snow-topped mountains. I found it very difficult to conceptualise what I could do with that though so I started to think of other possibilities.
Something I saw made me think of a glass vase I used to have at home that was similar in concept to this one here. 

The vase I had had a more rounded circumference (with many tiny sides) and many more lines leading from the lower circle to the upper one creating a tornado effect. I decided to attempt a kind of tornado as well.

My first idea was to create a similar effect using two rings and string as the lines that would be twisted from the lower to the upper ring. I decided to cover it with cellophane and to create a central object out of card or paper which would have geometric shapes cut out of it to create light patterns on the wall. This was partly inspired by lanterns I had made as a child. 

On thinking about it some more, I came up with another possibility, which seemed kind of interesting as well. I thought I could follow the tornado effect even more by using more rings and of decreasing sizes and joining each one by strings, as in the first idea.

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