Thursday 8 September 2011

The Journey

The Concept

After a long couple of weeks, I present my final design 'The Journey"

To make an object truly interactive, any responses it gives must be based on the user’s input.  The response must then be slightly unpredictable and, if possible, change each time.

I have tried to achieve this conversation in The Journey. The user picks a direction to travel by moving the mouse towards the corners of the screen and a star field effect creates the illusion of travelling. This converts the user’s mouse movement into control of 3D space.

The second component is that the particles change depending on which direction the user is ‘travelling’ in. By altering her direction, the user can alter colour and shape.  

The Concept of The Journey is to abstract the user’s input into something that feels completely natural. The response is based on the input, but varies in a complex manner.  

The Journey - Open Processing Link

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