Sunday 4 September 2011

Outside of the Box

Philosophy and Exploration

A couple of days ago I sent Steven an email asking him how I could improve this blog.

And he gave me some really good advice.

He told me that the blog needed to contain research images, precedents plus critical analysis and experimentation. It is to be a sandbox that provides an insight into my thought process. So I'm going to work to have multiple posts addressing these elements of the assignment.

However he also stressed the point that the key to doing well is thinking outside of the box. And that means coming up with ideas that surprise and do things a bit differently. This is probably the most difficult thing to do well, but it fits unexpectedly well into the ideas of variation and interaction. Perhaps part of the purpose of this project is to help us understand that.

On a more practical level this means I'll try to have some creative ideas for this blog. My first idea is to separate these posts into sections such as philosophy and exploration, research and experimentation. I'll also highlight words that I think are important.

The outside man

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